Focus Areas

From advancing equity and racial justice, to promoting access to affordable health care, to confronting climate change, to strengthening our democracy, we are proud to support leaders and causes that share our progressive values and aspirations for a fair, just America.

Paid Leave for All Action

Paid Leave for All Action is a campaign to enact a comprehensive federal paid family and medical leave law—for all—by 2023, providing the strategy and coordination to turn this urgent need into political reality.

The League Action Fund

The League Action Fund is a community of women and men who share the belief that hardworking Americans shouldn’t have to choose between being there for family and earning a living. The campaign seeks to strengthen the women’s equality movement by shifting cultural norms and the discourse of popular culture, and hopes to ultimately affect policy at the state and national levels.

Americans for Tax Fairness Action Fund

Americans for Tax Fairness Action Fund is a national public awareness and advocacy campaign formed in 2012 by a coalition of major national organizations in support of comprehensive, progressive tax reform at the national and state levels. The campaign seeks to build public support for a balanced and equitable approach to the federal budget challenges we face.

Paid Leave for All Action

Paid Leave for All Action is a campaign to enact a comprehensive federal paid family and medical leave law—for all—by 2023, providing the strategy and coordination to turn this urgent need into political reality.

The League Action Fund

The League Action Fund is a community of women and men who share the belief that hardworking Americans shouldn’t have to choose between being there for family and earning a living. The campaign seeks to strengthen the women’s equality movement by shifting cultural norms and the discourse of popular culture, and hopes to ultimately affect policy at the state and national levels.

Americans for Tax Fairness Action Fund

Americans for Tax Fairness Action Fund is a national public awareness and advocacy campaign formed in 2012 by a coalition of major national organizations in support of comprehensive, progressive tax reform at the national and state levels. The campaign seeks to build public support for a balanced and equitable approach to the federal budget challenges we face.


Working for pay equity, paid family leave, and fair tax policy across the United States

Pipeline Fund

The Pipeline Fund is a network of organizations and funders dedicated to building the pipeline of progressive candidates, staff, and elected officials at every level of the ballot.

Galvanize Action

Galvanize Action works to identify, engage, and move moderate women in rural, small-town, and suburban America to use their political power to advance progress for all.

Pipeline Fund

The Pipeline Fund is a network of organizations and funders dedicated to building the pipeline of progressive candidates, staff, and elected officials at every level of the ballot.

Galvanize Action

Galvanize Action works to identify, engage, and move moderate women in rural, small-town, and suburban America to use their political power to advance progress for all.


Training and supporting women and people of color running for office

Rural Victory Fund

The Rural Victory Fund (RVF) organizes donors and other capacity builders to invest in 501(c)(4) rural civic engagement, communications, issue advocacy, resource development, and field and organization building. RVF began in support of the 2020 election—funding civic engagement and political infrastructure efforts in a set of rural states—but is working long-term to build more permanent infrastructure and leadership across rural America.

Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA)

Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA), a Sixteen Thirty Fund grantee, is an organization led by changemakers fighting for social, racial, and economic transformation for all Arizonans. They are a member-powered people’s organization created to impact the issues that Latinos face daily, which they achieve through civic participation, voter engagement and other advocacy efforts.

America Votes

America Votes works with over 400 local, state, and national partner organizations to engage, educate, and mobilize voters, especially voters of color and young voters.

Rural Victory Fund

The Rural Victory Fund (RVF) organizes donors and other capacity builders to invest in 501(c)(4) rural civic engagement, communications, issue advocacy, resource development, and field and organization building. RVF began in support of the 2020 election—funding civic engagement and political infrastructure efforts in a set of rural states—but is working long-term to build more permanent infrastructure and leadership across rural America.

Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA)

Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA), a Sixteen Thirty Fund grantee, is an organization led by changemakers fighting for social, racial, and economic transformation for all Arizonans. They are a member-powered people’s organization created to impact the issues that Latinos face daily, which they achieve through civic participation, voter engagement and other advocacy efforts.

America Votes

America Votes works with over 400 local, state, and national partner organizations to engage, educate, and mobilize voters, especially voters of color and young voters.

Voting Access and Civic Participation

Ensuring voting access and civic participation by supporting election infrastructure

League of Conservation Voters

The League of Conservation Voters (LCV) builds political power for people and the planet. LCV influences policy, holds politicians accountable, and mobilizes communities. LCV has built a powerful national movement with more than 30 state affiliates and grassroots and community organizing programs across the country working for a more just and equitable US democracy, where people—not polluters—determine our future.

Climate Equity Action Fund

Climate Equity Action Fund works to build the power of the climate movement by organizing and supporting the leadership of grassroots communities of color, low-income communities, and impacted communities.

League of Conservation Voters

The League of Conservation Voters (LCV) builds political power for people and the planet. LCV influences policy, holds politicians accountable, and mobilizes communities. LCV has built a powerful national movement with more than 30 state affiliates and grassroots and community organizing programs across the country working for a more just and equitable US democracy, where people—not polluters—determine our future.

Climate Equity Action Fund

Climate Equity Action Fund works to build the power of the climate movement by organizing and supporting the leadership of grassroots communities of color, low-income communities, and impacted communities.

Fight Climate Change

Working to reverse the current pace of climate change and find policy solutions to reduce global emissions and promote environmental equity

Health Care for America Now

Health Care for America Now (HCAN) brings together national and state grassroots organizations to fight for quality, affordable health care for everyone in America; to protect Medicare, Medicaid, and the social safety net; and to make the rich and corporations pay their fair share of taxes to support the economy.

Lower Drug Prices Now

Lower Drug Prices Now brings together a broad array of state and national partners to fight for transformative policy change that will finally ensure everyone has access to affordable medicine—whether they have a sore throat, high blood pressure, or an acute illness like cancer.

Health Care Voter

During the coronavirus pandemic, Health Care Voter has been a vocal advocate for everyday Americans—helping make the case for COVID relief bills in Congress, fighting for fair and equitable vaccine distribution, and helping COVID survivors push for change. Since 2017, Health Care Voter has been fighting to protect and expand access to health care and lifting up the stories of Americans whose lives depend on quality, affordable care. They have highlighted the high price of insulin and other prescription drugs, met with lawmakers on Capitol Hill, and traveled nearly 7,000 miles by bus to educate Americans about what's at stake when it comes to health care.

Health Care for America Now

Health Care for America Now (HCAN) brings together national and state grassroots organizations to fight for quality, affordable health care for everyone in America; to protect Medicare, Medicaid, and the social safety net; and to make the rich and corporations pay their fair share of taxes to support the economy.

Lower Drug Prices Now

Lower Drug Prices Now brings together a broad array of state and national partners to fight for transformative policy change that will finally ensure everyone has access to affordable medicine—whether they have a sore throat, high blood pressure, or an acute illness like cancer.

Health Care Voter

During the coronavirus pandemic, Health Care Voter has been a vocal advocate for everyday Americans—helping make the case for COVID relief bills in Congress, fighting for fair and equitable vaccine distribution, and helping COVID survivors push for change. Since 2017, Health Care Voter has been fighting to protect and expand access to health care and lifting up the stories of Americans whose lives depend on quality, affordable care. They have highlighted the high price of insulin and other prescription drugs, met with lawmakers on Capitol Hill, and traveled nearly 7,000 miles by bus to educate Americans about what's at stake when it comes to health care.

Improving Health of all Americans

Fighting for access to health care and more equitable health care policies, including lowering drug prices and increasing access to affordable health insurance


Giffords, a Sixteen Thirty Fund grantee, is an organization dedicated to saving lives from gun violence, led by former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.

Gun Truth Project

The Gun Truth Project was a former Sixteen Thirty Fund project composed of an agile research team and gun lobby watchdog that develops rapid-response analysis and coordinates strategic campaigns with organizations across the progressive continuum.


Brady, a Sixteen Thirty Fund grantee, emphasizes education, litigation, and legislation to ensure that every community is safe, not only from mass shootings, but also from the daily toll of gun homicide, domestic violence, suicide, unintentional shootings, and police violence that plagues so many communities.


Giffords, a Sixteen Thirty Fund grantee, is an organization dedicated to saving lives from gun violence, led by former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.

Gun Truth Project

The Gun Truth Project was a former Sixteen Thirty Fund project composed of an agile research team and gun lobby watchdog that develops rapid-response analysis and coordinates strategic campaigns with organizations across the progressive continuum.


Brady, a Sixteen Thirty Fund grantee, emphasizes education, litigation, and legislation to ensure that every community is safe, not only from mass shootings, but also from the daily toll of gun homicide, domestic violence, suicide, unintentional shootings, and police violence that plagues so many communities.

Gun Violence Prevention

Advocating for common-sense gun reform